581 Links and Resources
Log In to your personal account to review benefits and balances.
How to submit prescriptions purchased from your local pharmacy?
Please submit the prescription slip or a printout from the pharmacy which includes:
Patient Name
Date of Service
Drug Name
Pharmacy Name
Physician Name
Amount Paid.
Also, please include your Member ID number.
Send to:
Indiana State Council of Roofers
Health & Welfare Fund
PO Box 5769
Lafayette, IN 47903-5769
Prescription Drug Program
To locate participating pharmacies, please call SavRX customer service at 1-800-228-3108 or visit www.savrx.com, click on the “Locations” tab, enter your zip code and group number ISCR.
For the best benefits on long-term and specialty medications, you should use the SavRX Mail Order Pharmacy. Your doctor can E-scribe or call in a new prescription to SavRX at 1-800-228-3108. Also, you may request refills online at www.savrx.com or call 1-800-228-3108.
Network Providers: Anthem
(This network does not apply if you have Medicare as primary coverage.)