1075 Links and Resources

1075 Pension Resources

Log in to review your 558 Pension information. For first time users, you will be required to set up a profile before being able to view the information.

Contact the 558 Pension Fund Office

Wilson-McShane Corporation

3100 Broadway, Suite 805

Kansas City, Missouri 64111

(816) 756-3313

1075 Health and Welfare Resources

2016-08-08 81 HW SPD - FINAL.pdf

Prescription Drug Program

To locate participating pharmacies, please call SavRX customer service at 1-800-228-3108 or visit www.savrx.com, click on the “Locations” tab, enter your zip code and group number ISCR.

For the best benefits on long-term and specialty medications, you should use the SavRX Mail Order Pharmacy. Your doctor can E-scribe or call in a new prescription to SavRX at 1-800-228-3108. Also, you may request refills online at www.savrx.com or call 1-800-228-3108.

81-DentalClaimForm (2).pdf
81 HRA REIMB FORM CR Address (1).pdf
81-VisionClaimForm (1).pdf
MedicalClaimForm (1).pdf